August 29, 2009

Change of Address

It's come to my attention that some readers may misinterpret the domain name of my blog. While it's possible to connect the dots from my PSN ID (ZapatoDelDiablo) and note that my domain name is simply the English version of that pithy phrase - shoe of the devil, or, devil shoe - some have taken to thinking that I prefer to be known as the devil's hoe. Apologies for that shortsightedness and I assure you this is not the case (though why it's worse to be one of Satan's garden implements than footwear I'm not sure - there's an "E" there people!).

Therefore I'll be moving this site to Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds accordingly. Both of you.


  1. I have to say I love the new blog name, Optimus, you're our only hope of bringing an end to the decepticons tyranny.
